# Token utilities

The utilities are designed to offer a seamless and easy-to-use experience for users, with a wide range of benefits, such as discounts, long-term rewards, and much more. Let’s take a closer look at the different token utilities offered by Evelon.

  • DNFT Platform: Users on the Evelon platform have the option to pay for their transactions either with stablecoins or with native $EVLN tokens. However, paying with $EVLN tokens gives users discounts on their purchases, making it a more attractive option.
  • Web2-Web3 Integration API: Companies that want to integrate their platform with Evelon can pay for their monthly subscription using the native $EVLN tokens. This will give them extra discounts on their subscription, providing a more cost-effective solution for companies.
  • White-Label Platform: Companies that want to use the Evelon White-Label platform can pay either using stablecoins or the native $EVLN tokens. Again, paying with $EVLN tokens gives companies extra discounts, providing a more cost-effective solution.
  • Evelon DNFTs: To purchase Evelon DNFTs, users must use the $EVLN tokens. This not only ensures the liquidity of the tokens but also gives users a seamless experience on the platform. Users can trade DNFTs on our DNFT marketplace (First of a kind).
  • Staking: Users can stake their $EVLN tokens to receive a long-term APY (Annual Percentage Yield) using dynamic APY pools. This not only rewards users with a stable income stream, but it also gives them access to a wide range of benefits, such as project participation, governance, DNFTs giveaways, access to events, and much more.
  • Buyback and Burn: A portion of the revenue generated from each revenue stream will be used to buy-back $EVLN tokens from the market and burn them. This helps to keep the supply of the tokens low and maintain the liquidity of the tokens.

Evelon offers a wide range of token utilities designed to offer a seamless and cost-effective experience for users. Whether it's paying for transactions, staking, or buying DNFTs, users can benefit from the unique token utilities offered by Evelon.