# Documentation

# Import and configure

First, download the NPM package and import it in your app. You can import the package by adding the following lines:

const { EvelonSDK } = require("evelon");

As a user, you need to authenticate yourself and set the chainid. Add a config to your app:

const config = {
  apikey: "test_ev_cd153f41193e692ec0434ecb52a9c5a1560d7e13", // This should be your API key (copy it from your profile page)
  chainId: 1284,

Load the SDK and set the configuration parameters:

const sdk = new EvelonSDK(config);

# Example function

# Get NFT data

async function getNFTs() {
  const data = await sdk.getAllNFTs(
  return data;

# Update NFT

async function setNFT() {
  const image = await fs.readFile("./images/example.jpg");

  const data = await sdk.modifyNFT(
    "New NFT name here", // NFT Name
    "", // Description
    "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Ryg5ih-fOWbpEGDpbJYJz5RTq3_28Tvo2h3JQRCdiz16lw5ghitDMN6hcWA57g0d6_8VOqQYcCemRBOfZGQA64ZKkFOn71zuF1LDsXwCh4ywF-_z6VqxbBqmbQvK_-PWfZcztxDd1WDTEEUHX6GdP60", // Image
      // {
      //   trait_type: "Your trait type",
      //   value: "Your value",
      // },